On the meridional ageostrophic transport in the tropical Atlantic

Published in Ocean Science, 2017

This work examine the meridional Ekman volume, heat and salt transport in the tropical Atlantic using ship-board and satellite observations, e.g., CTD, underway-CTD, ADCP, and wind data. We find that the top of the pycnocline, defined as the the shallowest depth at which the density gradient is larger than 0.01 kg m^{-4}, is the best representation fo the penetration depth of the Ekman flow in the tropical Atlantic.

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Fu, Y., Karstensen, J., Brandt, P. (2017), On the meridional ageostrophic transport in the tropical Atlantic, Ocean Science, 13(4), 531-549, doi:10.5194/os-13-531-2017.